Celebrating 29 Years of Preservation!
Twin Forks Railway Foundation
Why the Riverhead Restoration and Twin Forks Railway Foundation? What are these?
After 28 years of operation, we decided that we needed to refresh our organization in a way that reflects our growth and demonstrates its willingness to change, modernize and adapt with the times, while still maintaining our roots. To that end, the Twin Forks Chapter NRHS now operates through its two new divisions. The first division is the Riverhead Restoration Company, which oversees Riverhead Yard and the maintenance of equipment. Equipment will be restored, then be leased, loaned or possibly sold to other organizations, businesses and individuals with the means to maintain and use them. Our experience has been that railroad cars have the best chance of survival when someone is using them, and this shift in focus is to get as much as we can to be in use instead of sitting in Riverhead Yard.
The second is the Twin Forks Railway Foundation, which conducts fundraising and membership activities. This will include fundraising for cars in the Riverhead but also provide grants and support for many projects that are going on around us and with our associated organizations.
Memberships Tiers:
Regular Membership $20
Twin Forks Conductor $250
Twin Forks Engineer $500
Golden Spike Club Member $1,000
Membership Benefits:
Twin Forks Conductor members will be acknowledged on our social media and will receive an invitation to our annual supporter appreciation dinner at J&R Steakhouse in December.
Twin Forks Engineer members will receive all the benefits of Conductors and will be invited to form an advisory board which will meet quarterly to provide advice and feedback to the organization.
Golden Spike Club members will receive all the benefits for the previous tiers and additionally get a special item from our collection. Please allow adequate time for processing and shipping.
The Annual dues DOES NOT include membership in the National Railway Historical Society (NRHS). You can sign up for the NRHS through our chapter. We encourage all chapter members to join our national organization.